lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Justin Bieber's 'Baby' Sung By Chinese Man On A Cow: YouTube Video Goes Viral - Huffington Post UK

A YouTube video of a Chinese man singing a Justin Bieber song atop a cow has gone viral after the internet bowed to the talent of the amateur crooner.

Accompanied only by the strums of his guitar and a dog barking in the background, the passionate rider performs Bieber's "baby" and makes it his own.

It was first posted on Youku (China's equivalent of YouTube) under the title “I am legendary, art dream,” according to the blog Beijing Cream. Now on YouTube, it has nearly a million views.

And while Justin Bieber is a popular man, this long haired singer has cornered his own share of the market.

"Better than the original" writes one user, while another types: "Justin? Bieber called - he wants his cow back."

Listen and beliebe.

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