lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Justin Bieber on Selena Gomez: "Is a wonderful person" - the civic

United States.- Justin Bieber est? increasingly m?s in love with Selena Gomez and shows it in every interview that gives the singer to the media. This time, the young ?dolo was in praise for his girlfriend and destac? that one of the things that m?s appreciates it, are their love samples.

"I attract people who know how to listen, know be ah? and provide atenci?n when you talk, adem?s am very cari?oso and I need someone to tambi?n it is", asegur? singer.

However, Bieber admiti? that the beauty of Selena is very important, because any guy likes that his girlfriend is sexy. For the young Canadian, his girlfriend has one of the beautiful m?s of the world smiles.

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